
Good Solution

when i go to Egypt last month, i use my laptop to access the internet with hotel broadband network, i can surf with secure my private information.
and when i back to my home (new home) i still use my laptop with my mobile to surf the net, the GPRS very very slow but i don't have any other solution, because i don't have phone line in my new home.



i remember from about 15 or 17 years, when i like play with LEGO, i like it because make me open my mind, and i can boild any object i need, i can made a car, airplane and Homes, any thing i want i can made it.
some time i made to country, and made big military people, and start the war.
some time i made civilization on another planet, i like made space ship like StarWars Movies (i not like Star Trek) i like create big empire.
its very old days, but i like it, when i just dreaming then convert this dream to real, i see it i feel it in my hands.
but its still dream.
now after about 15 years i know its very hard to move dream to real world, but i still dreaming.


What you can't do with your Mobile Phone?

In last five years mobile have more tech power, I remember in 2001 when my mobile phone just for talking, today I can do many things with my Mobile Phone, like:

  1. Talking: its main features of any mobile phone, and if you use 3G Mobile Network you can see who is talking, and make video conference.
  2. Messages: with SMS you can send and receive small messages.
  3. Internet: if you subscribe in GPRS/3G you can connect to the internet any time any where just one click (I know its high price but its good solution to know last news and your e-mail anywhere).
  4. Listen to The Radio: many Mobile Phones can receive FM Radio, I know you can't receive many FM Radio Station in Libya (where i life), but its nice option in your mobile.
  5. Digital Audio Recorder: you can save what you listen, just one click.
  6. Listen to Music: its MP3 Player in your pocket, many Mobile Phones now can play Music in many formats like "MP3, MP4, WAV, AMR, AAC, AAC+ …"
  7. Watch Video Films: you can see small Films in many format like "3GP, RM" and with new many software you can compress your movies from "DVD, AVI, DivX, VCD" to small size to watch it in your Mobile.
  8. Digital Camera: you can take photo anytime anywhere by easily, just see and click button, with 2 or 3 Mega pixel photo resolution and auto-focus and digital zoom, you can get wonderful pictures.
  9. Video Camera: if you can get Fixed Photos you can get movies to, like fixed photos you can get movies any time any where, and if you have space you can save more one hour of private movie in your mobile.
  10. Digital Calendar, Watch and Alarm: in your hand too.
  11. USB Storage: just connect your phone to PC and get USB Hard Disk to save and move your data with you.
  12. Bluetooth: with this technology you can trade Photos, Music, Video Clips and Data to anyone using this technology, just one click.
  13. WiFi: new phones using WiFi (Like Nokia N80 and N91) to connect to the Internet and Wireless Network in your Home.

All this options in your Mobile Phones and More, do you use all this options?
And in near time you can find new options like: Video On-Line, GPS and More.


Phone Problem

my home fixed phone line is crash, i cant hear tone, its like a death line, thats why i cant access to the internet by Dial-Up or by ADSL.
thats mean i lost about 3GB from my account of this month.
the big problem in my country is there one goverment company control all phone fixed line, and i cant change to another phone company, i tell company to fix the phone line, but i know company not fix it before tow or 3 wees in good case.
thats mean i cant access the internet to see news or e-mail, until fix this problem, but i can use my Mbile to access by using GPRS (but its high price).
what i can do?


Last days I read these words:
"Most good judgment comes from experience.
Most experience comes from bad judgment."

Yes that’s true, I see that especially in IT Fields, when you learning something in programming and do that perfect you can't get any experience, you must write a code and testing it many times, and do some new idea in your application, if you don't do that you can't create new good application, and you must thinking and thinking to get new idea before anyone.
I see that when I create application to solve normal problem like "Attendance Software", the PC understand a day = 24 hours, and any person must work between "00:00" and "23:59", you can calculate how many working hours per day, but when person working from "13:00" in 1st day to "13:00" in 2nd day your formula not working correctly, and you must change your mind to get perfect idea that’s solve this problem.
This problem goes to bigger when you are using "Finger Print Machine", and persons just press finger in machine, and the application not know is this press for "Log-In" or "Log-Out" state, in this point you must use new idea to make smart application.
And you need experience that’s come from my experience from old work; I try and try to make good work.



my english not god, its not bad but still not good, i know that.
to learn english i must go to English School, but that's need more time, and in this days i'm not have a time, i need more time too.
but i'm not stoping, i try and try to learn english by many types like:
1 - chating in the internet with english people (try text chat).
2 - write mesages to english people and read what other people write, then i wite again.
3 - write in Blogs (like here),i know many people say "what this bad english" but i want try to learn.
4 - read E-Books
5 - listing to music.
and more...

if you find any error in my english please tell me ;) i want to learn.


IE 7 in this month

Microsoft this month will be pushing out Internet Explorer 7 to Windows users who download security updates through Microsoft Update or Automatic Updates. Last week, Security Fix mentioned that Microsoft intends to ship 11 patches tomorrow, including a "high-priority update.".


GPS EXIF Data in iPhoto

TUAW points to a cool tidbit which reveals both GPS and Google Maps references within the latest iPhoto. This could certainly be a good indication of the type of functionality iPhoto will handle with the inevitable iPhone.

Nokia is already in the open with the N95 which includes a 5MP camera and full GPS navigation. I’m sure we can also count on the GPS EXIF data embedding in picture taken on the go and uploaded to Flickr… also built in.


Cappuccino in Porto San Giorgio

Cappuccino in Porto San Giorgio after i eat my dinner, i like drink Cappuccino everytime when i go to travel, its hot and nice.


i see this everydays

everydays i see screens like this on my Work, Home and Laptop PCs, i working as Software Developer, and use Visual basic 6 n my job (its old Version but i like it).
i like when i make private application to solve any software problem, and sometime Hardware Problems, i make many application for me to organize my Media Files(Photo and Music). and store data in Database, and Kill Virus, and many somethings like this.
i try to learning Visual Studio.Net 2005, this language have more power, but i dont know i love VB6, and spend many time working with it when i working on PC.

what you like to do when you working on PC?

many new things in this year

next month i change my profile from "SINGLE" to "Married", its big new things for me in this year, and i make new apartment for me and my wife, and i change my education from "bachelor's degree" to "master's degree" its another good thing.

in this year i visit many citys in some countrys like: Tunisya, France and Italy.

i learning new things about many devices like: ATM Software, Cheque Printer, Exchange Machine and SMS Technology, and More.....

but i need more, this day i try to learning about SUN Technology,and want to do some exams from SUN.

i think this year is good year for me (from Learning Side) but about Married i dont know, what you think?
i afraid if i cant find a time to Working and Learning more, especially when childs come.


Windows Live Writer (Beta) and Blogger (Beta) Account

all this is beta until now, after I use Windows Live Writer I change my blogger to Blogger (Beta) Account, but my Writer not support Beta Account.

but this day (in the night) i find new version from Windows Live Writer (Beta), this version support Blogger (Beta), but you must do small tips to suppoer Blogger Beta First (i do that and not working with me). you can try it and tell me.

now you can blog Off-Line then post when you On-Line, i like that, but you can find more with new plug-ins for Windows Live Writer (Beta).

i dont know why all products is beta, but some products still beta more time, like some services from Google and Flickr, maybe i change my application to Beta too.

what you think when you see Bank Branch Working with Beta application!, or working with shareware application!

maybe i do that, but must be careful with your Bank Account.


Nokia N95/N75

Nokia announced a couple N-series multimedia devices today or multimedia computers as they like to call them. First off is the Nokia N95, a top-of-the-line camera slider with 5 megapixel camera, HSDPA and built-in GPS navigation system. Then comes the clamshell Nokia N75, the smallest N-series device to date, with a 2 megapixel camera and 3G support.

maybe i change my mobile again ;(
its normal options, but when you have 4GB HDD + GPS + 5MP Camera in your Hand, i think is deferent.

but N70 is good too.

Internet Explorer 7 RC

last day i see the IE7 is ready for download, its original version not just a beta version, but is tis good software?

about me i use FireFox, its good internet browser, speed, easy, many plog-in, its open source, thats why you can find many application working with FireFox, and the big thing The FireFox Have all New options included in IE7, like Multi Browser, RSS, Security, ...

i dont know whats new things i can find it in IE7, i think just low speed for my browser and more changes in Windows Registry ;)

what about you?

Traffic Again

where you go you find cars, cars everywhere, some time i see my city (tripoli) as a very small city, you can't find place to take your car, or walking, but in really the Tripoli is very big city.
where is the problem?

i think problem is the tripoli not have many Parking places to take a car, thats why i think must create new parking ith multi-floor, and any one want take a car most bay the place for car.


Korea - Libya IT Cooperation Conference (2006-09-20)

in (2006-09-20) i go to Korea - Libya IT Cooperation Conference, first i think this meeting talking about some new Devices or Software or something like this, but when people talking i find whats this Conference talking about.

Korea need take some libyan stodent to move it to Korea (by Free) then learning about Korean technological (like devices from LG), to make libyan people buy Korean Devices and Technology.

and i explore new things: Korean people talking about Broadband, WiFi, RFID, 3G, GPRS, ADSA and VDSL as normal things, but in libya we see this Technology as very power Technology, and we can't find it here.

i dont know when this tims coming, when libyan people use this Technology as a normal, until now i use ADSL max speed 256KBp, and max download 5GB per Month, i need more, we need more.



i hate traffic, i cant make good appointment, and lose lany time without doing any good things.

every time i take photo by my Mobile Phone (Nokia N70), i like take photo, then i download Photos on my PC and Organize it by my Softwares to take every photo on folder caled by Photo Taken Date, and i can see photo taken from 1 or 2 years in same day, i like that, and i like see what is changed with me (Face, Body and others).

water, but you can see small bug.

testing N73 Macro Mode, nice focus but high light from the flash, and you can't control the lens focus.

i think i go to using Real Digital Camera (Like Sony Cyber Shoot), because camera phone not have all Power of Real Digital Camera.



this days many people on the internet talking about ZUNE, do you know what is zune?
ZUNE is new device from microsoft like IPOD from APPLE, this Device working as MP3 Player + FM Radio + Video Player, and more...
in this device you can find: WiFi, 30GB HDD, MP3 Player, ACC Player, working on Windows Mobile 5, Video Output, Head Set, and More.
about me if i want buy device like this i go to SmartPhone with Windows Mobile like I-Mate (because support arabic and available in libya), but about this device i dont think i use it.
note: now i use Nokia N70 (Very Simple) + Nokia N73 (Best Camera) + Muvo2000 Creative (1GB + Fm Radio).


Nokia N73

it's nice device, and have many good things, but if you are live in libya you must use "Libyana GSM Company" to get the power of GPRS World.

Good Things: big screen, USB2 Mass Storage Device, 3.2 MP Camera, Auto Foucs, better 3D Stereo Sound, Connect to Flickr and upload photo very easy, many Internet Software (Search, Web, RSS Reader), FM Radio, Nece Lens Protection, and more.

Bad Things: bad key Pad, big size, Flash light eveytime you want take photo, when you use USB Device go off-line, bad MP3 Player (you cant see album photo).


BIG accident in Marseille Street

BIG accident in Marseille Street, its big thing, but if this in my country (Libya) its nothing and you can see it everydays, its normal.

Blog from Flickr

i am happy, because i can blog from my Flickr account again, now i can send post from Flickr to my Blogger Beta.


i use tow Mobile Phone

yes, in libya i use tow Number from tow Local GSM Company, why?
i use First Number from "El Madar" GSM Company, and other from "Libyana" GSM Copany.

El Madar Options:
  • low price of minute.
  • low price of SMS.
  • Good Coverage.
  • and easy to use Mobile Any time.
  • no GPRS.

  • GPRS (Internet).
  • High price of minute.
  • High price of SMS.
  • Bad Bad Coverage.

that's why i use tow Mobile Phone with Tow Numbers from Deferent GSM Companys.
if you are life in Libya which company you want to use?

from ADSL to Dial-Up

this days the subscription of my company in ADSL is stop, and manager not want to recharge it, because thinking the internet not important thing (i work in IT Company).

now i connect to the internet by my Dial-Up Subscription and by 45 kbp speed, its very low (Compare with ADSL 256 Kbp), and i can't make many things in the same time like Download E-Mails By Outlook, Browser in easy and speed, download MP3, and Chating by Voice, i dont have any solution and i must waiting my company to recharge ADSL account.

i dont know how Manager in IT Company not use the internet, specialy when this manager working in IT Company and working in Development Department (but from libya coming new).


Dont upgrade to Blogger Beta

after i upgrade to blogger Beta i lost many options like:
  • Blog from Windows Writer Live (Beta).
  • Blog from Flickr.
  • post comment to another user in Blogger.
for all that you must thinking when you need upgrade Blogger (Beta) with Google Account, now i can't send photo from Flickr, and i hate that, but what i can do.
if there any trick to downgrade (unlike Upgrade) from Blogger Beta to Blogger please tell me about it, or i use anuther tricks: open new blogger account and use it to post blog.


Windows Live Writer (Beta) with Blooger Beta

after i use Windows Live Writer (Beta) and Flickr to write and upload my Blogs and all that running right, but when i change to (Blogger Beta) with Google account i can't use Windows Live Writer (Beta) and Flickr again.
thats bad thing from Google, i hate write my blog post in Glogger, and because that i stop writing in MSN Spaces, and go to Blogger, but the problem coming again, i dont know why google make this error.
any one know how i can fix this problem?


new mobile

i try Nokia N73, with 3.2 Camera and Auto Fox, FM, MP3 Player, Wide Screen.... and More


Flickr GeoTagging

الأن ميزة جديدة تم إضافتها الى فليكر، حيث يمكنك إضافة الموقع الذي تم فيه التقاط الصورة على خريطة من القمر الصناعي، وبالتالي يمكنك تحديد المنطقة المطلوبة بسهولة و معرفة عدد الصور الملتقطة في المناطق المتقاربة
وبالتالي يمكن معرفة وقت الإلتقاط و مكان الإلتقاط


Monster is Coming

أحيانا يكون موضوع الصورة جميلاً، ولكن تكون الصورة المنتجة غير جميلة
يحدث هذا عندما أقوم بأخذ صورة بإستخدام كاميرا الجوال

فبسبب نقص الإضاءة و عدم إحترافية العدسة و فقرها للعديد من الإمكانيات الخاصة بالتصوير نتجت عندي هذه الصورة السيئة



الذبابة في أكثر الأحيان تعتبر من الحشرات المزعجة و الوقحة، و ذات شكل قبيح، لكن إذا قربنا النظر أكثر سنجد أن بها بعض الجمال
تنطبق هذه الفكرة عل العديد من الأشياء التي تظهر من بعيد على أنها قبيحة لكن إذا قربنا النظر نجد العكس تماماً

Tab Mix Plus

إضافة ممتازة لمستخدمي المتصفح FireFox، في هذه الإضافة يمكنك التراجع عن إغلاق إحدى النوافذ أو فتح نافذة تصفح جديدة، أو حتى إضافة نافذة أو مجموعة نوافذ إلى المفضلة بضغطة زر.

أنصحك بتركيبه إذا كنت من مستخدمي برنامج Firefox بشدة. 

5 GB in month not enough

i subscribe with local libyan Internet provider called LTT, by ADSL service, with download 256 Kbp and upload 128 kbp with 5 GB in  month, if you download more 5 GB you must paid more money with high price.

this service is ok if you not use internet many time, but like me i use internet many time and i am download everything from the net (Music, Movies, Books, Applicastion, ...), thats why i complete my data in small time.

i hate this, do you have solusion?


Windows Live Writer (Beta)

Microsoft Launche new application called Windows Live Writer, its small application let you write your Blog and Post it very very east.

if you are blogger you must use it, now this software support Spaces, Blogger and Wordpress, and many more.

try it...


Rome Airport

this is Rome Airport, i like Airplane.



TAQNYA 2006,
originally uploaded by Tark Siala Photo's.
تحصلت شركتنا على جائزة أفضل جناح في معرض تقنية 2006، بتاريخ 20-07-2006.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

from Spaces t Blogger...

last time i have blog on Space on MSN, but after MSN change to Windows Live! i dont like spaces, its go to more slow, thats why i come here to Blogger.

its very fast when you Make Blog, but is it support Arabic Font?

Nokia N80

after i use Nokia N80 about 3 Weeks, i dont like it much.
  1. very slow phone.
  2. new S60 3rd nt have many software, and not compatible with S60 2rd.
  3. camera not good and very slow when you tak picture.
  4. i dont like Slider Case.
  5. small Memore (128MB), i change to 1GB, but new memore very slow.

thats why i return to old Phone N70, i think its the best.